neljapäev, 28. mai 2015

Stig Rästa & Elina Born - Goodbye to yesterday

Rütm nr 1 ( ↓ ↓↑ ↑↓↑ )
Need siis peaksid olema loo originaali akordid.Lihtsamalt saab mängida
sulgudes olevate akordide järgi.

Gm(Am)       Eb(F)
I woke up at six a.m.
F(G)               Dm(Em)                          Eb(F)
my eyes were closed but my mind was awake
                          Cm(Dm)                           D(E)
pretended I was breathing in a deep sleep pace

Gm(Am)            Eb(F)
Got dressed so quietly
F(G)                        Dm(Em)                         Eb(F)
I was frozen by the jingle of my keys at the door
             Cm(Dm)                     D(E)      
as I got outside I smiled to the dog

Gm(Am)            Eb(F)
I didn’t wanna wake you up
F(G)                       Dm(Em)   Eb(F)
my love was never gonna be enough
                     Cm(Dm)                             D(E)
so I took my things and got out of your way now girl

Gm(Am)           Eb(F)
Why didn’t you wake me up
F(G)                                      Dm(Em)     Eb(F)    
I’m pretty sure I would have told you to stop
            Cm(Dm)         D(E)
lets try again and say goodbye
D(E)                    Gm(Am)
Goodbye to yesterday

Why would you think like that
yeah, we fight a lot, but in the end,
you and I, we're a perfect match

I wouldn't want it any other way,
but now your gone and I'm all alone,
lying here naked and staring at the phone

I didn't wanna wake you up,
my love was never gonna be enough,
so I took my things and got out of the way now, girl

Why didn't you wake me up?
I'm pretty sure I would have told you to stop,
let's try again and say goodbye,
Goodbye to yesterday

I didn't wanna wake you up,
my love was never gonna be enough,
so I took my things and got out of the way now, girl

Why didn't you wake me up?
I'm pretty sure I would have told you to stop,
let's try again and say goodbye,
Goodbye to yesterday

3 kommentaari:

  1. Uuu, üle pika aja midagi (Y)

    1. sai 11 kuud ajateenistuses oldud ning vaatamate sellele et kitarr seal kaasas oli polnud viitsimist/tahtmist/aega uute lugudega tegeleda

    2. Ahhaaaa, ajateenistus, ma mõtlesin et mott sai otsa :D Tore igatahes kui keegi viitsib selliseid asju teha, enda muusiklaine oskus nii heal tasemel ei ole ja siis on sellised asjad ainult abiks (Y) Tänud sulle!


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